Category: No coding customizations
Widgets dropped in sidebars (widget areas) created via the Sidebar & Widget Manager can be arranged vertically or horizontally depending on what you choose form the settings for each sidebar you create. Vertical widget alignment This is the default WordPress widget alignment. The widgets in sidebars (widget areas) with vertical alignment are arranged in […]
Newer version of this article is available: Widgetizing pages in WordPress can be even easier and faster. Have you ever wanted to drop some widgets in a page content area or build the entire page using widgets? This is now a very simple thing to do and requires no coding knowledge. The Sidebar & Widget Manager […]
Combine the dynamic content of widgets with the static content of pages and posts. When you create widget ares in the content of pages and posts you are able to drop widgets in the content area, which makes all widget’s functionality available there. Creating widget areas by using plugins is very easy. It requires no […]